Degree Level Assessment

Degree Level Assessment


Seneca Polytechnic

Seneca Polytechnic is a multiple-campus public college located in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario, Canada. It offers full-time and part-time programs at the baccalaureate, diploma, certificate and graduate levels.


assessment, degree
This badge is awarded for the successful completion of the Degree Level Assessment online module and the development of criteria for evaluating student work at the degree level.


The recipient has demonstrated the ability to

  • develop a degree level assessment rubric for a specific assignment,
  • delineate criteria for the classification of student work as minimally acceptable, average or exemplary, with respect to this assignment

by submitting as evidence the completed “Evaluating Degree Level Assessments” worksheet including:

  • the name of the course to which this activity is applied,
  • the relevant Course Learning Outcome(s),
  • a brief description of the assessment,
  • a degree level rubric for the assessment,
  • a description of the classification criteria for student work.

Alignment to Standards of Practice for Faculty

Students and Student Success: 1c, 1g

Professional Knowledge: 2a

Professional Practice: 3c, 3e, 3f

Professional Learning: 4a

To request your badge, submit the completed form along with the required evidence. The Teaching and Learning team will review your submission. We'll get back to you soon with our feedback.

File formats: DOC, DOCX, PDF

To facilitate communication of best practices and ideas, Teaching and Learning may from time to time anonymously share submitted evidence with members of the Seneca teaching community.

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