Micro-Teaching / Assessment and Feedback

Micro-Teaching / Assessment and Feedback

The Seneca Teaching & Learning Centre supports faculty in enhancing the academic experience through exemplary teaching practices and engaging learning activities.


assessment, learning, micro-teaching, teaching
This badge is awarded to participants in the Micro-Teaching / Assessment and Feedback sessions for improving their teaching practices by developing, delivering and reflecting upon a micro-teaching lesson.


The recipient has demonstrated the ability to

  • design, develop and deliver a 15 minute micro-lesson
  • experiment with formative assessment and feedback strategies
  • integrate formative assessment practices and feedback into their micro-lesson

by submitting the following evidence:

  • a micro-teaching presentation created and presented during the sessions
  • a short reflection examining: i) their exploration of formative assessment and feedback strategies and ii) the incorporation of peer feedback on their micro-lesson into their teaching practice.

Alignment to Standards of Practice for Faculty

Students and Student Success: 1a, 1d, 1g

Professional Knowledge: n.a.

Professional Practice: 3c, 3d, 3e

Professional Learning: 4a

Instructions for Completing Evidence

Prepare a brief reflection that includes the following:

  • new strategies for formative assessment and feedback that you learned from the sessions
  • a brief description of how you incorporated formative assessment and feedback into your micro-teaching lesson
  • an item of feedback from your peers and how you will use it to inform your teaching practice.

Upload this reflection and your Day 2 presentation below.

To request your badge, submit the completed form along with the required evidence. The Teaching and Learning team will review your submission. We'll get back to you soon with our feedback.

(upload presentation as a PowerPoint or PDF file)
(upload as a PDF file)

To facilitate communication of best practices and ideas, Teaching and Learning may from time to time anonymously share submitted evidence with members of the Seneca teaching community.

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