Teaching and Learning Day—Winter 2024

Teaching and Learning Day—Winter 2024

The Seneca Teaching & Learning Centre supports faculty in enhancing the academic experience through exemplary teaching practices and engaging learning activities.


AR, HSPP, TandL, teachingandlearning, teachingwithtechnology, techtools, VR, XR
This badge is awarded to participants in the Winter 2024 Teaching and Learning Day conference for exploring technology tools that engage students and enhance learning.


The recipient has demonstrated the following:
1. Attended the day’s events on February 26, 2024.
2. Considered the ideas, strategies or experiences presented during the conference and how they relate to teaching and learning.
3. Written two reflections on how to incorporate the three priority areas into program/courses and teaching practices, by submitting the following evidence:
-a reflection (100-200 words) on one or more central takeaway messages from Maya Georgieva's keynote address and how it could potentially impact on your teaching practice now or in the future
-a reflection (100-200 words) on an important lesson or strategy learned from the workshops or the Extended Reality (XR) showcase and how this new knowledge can be applied to your teaching practice

Alignment to Standards of Practice for Faculty
Students and Student Success: 1e, 1g
Professional Knowledge: 2c
Professional Practice: 3e, 3g
Professional Learning: 4a, 4b

To request your badge, submit the completed form along with the required evidence. The Teaching & Learning Day team will review your submission. We'll get back to you soon with our feedback.

Upload your reflection (100-200 words) on Maya Georgieva's keynote address and how it could potentially impact on your teaching practice now or in the future. Upload your review as a PDF or Word document.
Choose 1 of the 11 workshops for your reflection. Upload your reflection as either a PDF or Word document.
Choose one XR Showcase session for your reflection.
Choose 1 of the XR sessions for your reflection. Upload your reflection as either a PDF or Word document.

To facilitate communication of best practices and ideas, the Seneca Teaching and Learning Centre may from time to time anonymously share submitted evidence with members of the Seneca teaching communities.

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